We're at this point where one of the most cost-effective ways to fight climate change would be to just pay American women not to have children. Set them up for life. Pension plan. All of it.

It would still be BILLIONS cheaper than inventing a way to suck carbon out of the sky.
I keep reading the green new deal resolution (which is honestly really thin on actual policy) and I keep thinking how much cheaper and more effective it would be to just fucking pay women not to procreate.

Zero technology solution.
Why do American women have children?

Because if you ever express doubts, there are dozens of people who will ask you, "But who will take care of you when you're old?"

So women get scared, marry a schmuck, and have kids.

A policy intervention here could save the world.
I love how people read tweets like this and assume that this would rely on mass involuntary sterilization as though again women can't be trusted with autonomy over their own fucking bodies.
Yes, there are ethically much better solutions than paying American women not to have children, but they would not be cheaper.

That's a zero technology solution we already have.

We don't workable solutions to sequester carbon yet.

Hence the argument.
Every policy proposal I have ever read addressing climate change relies on us inventing miracle technologies that do not yet exist.

The Green New Deal is no exception.

Technological solutionism creates its own ethical dilemmas.

Look at Facebook--it fuels genocide.
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