So America...

After watching the Dems & clips of RNC...

Trump & Pence haven't made America great nor will they make America great again...

Under their failed leadership...coal jobs haven't came back, manufacturing jobs have not come back.
Auto plants have closed.
Retail companies closing their doors, the pandemic put the nail in their coffin...more job loss.

Millions unemployed, numbers greater than the great depression.

Pandemic-170,000 + deaths as a result of failed leadership & a failure to act to save lives
People ingesting deadly Clorox bleach; poisons & cleaners at the suggestion of Trump.

Shootings of innocent protestors exercising their right.
Killing of Black people to incite violence-This is Trump's America-stoking fear, hatred & division.
GOP tax scam which gave trillions of dollars to the top tier while middle-class America suffers & blew up our deficit.

Attacking ACA while millions of Americans are without health insurance & jobs during a pandemic.

Destroying decades of laws that protect the sanctity of life.
Their promise to their donors to destroy SSI & Medicare as we know it & give our money to investors...

Why in the world would I vote for a bunch of liars, racists, sexual predators, traitors & conmen using their elected offices for self-enrichment, power & greed.
Using our military as photo props
Making our country a laughing stock on the world's stage
Befrending dictators & destroying decades of allied friendship...

Allowing a foreign adversary pay to kill our soldiers & interfere in our elections.
As I sit home, self-distancing, no longer self-employed due to the pandemic, husband furloughed just like 2008 during the great recession...not knowing when there will be a way in hell am I buying any promise this current admin makes.
My decision has been made up for months.

I'm voting for @JoeBiden & @SenKamalaHarris for president!

I'm making #GoodTrouble!

November 3rd!
Another thing...while the party of law & order drives fear & division in the hearts of people...

Trump is sabotaging our PO to stop people from voting-our right under the Constitution! Hurting people more..
Their 40 years of lies of 2nd amendment, fake news, conspiracy theories are all fear-based tactics.

No MS-13 is coming to suburbs...
No immigrant is going to walk 3,000 miles to squat in vacation homes...
No one is taking away 2nd amendment rights...ALL LIES!!!!
The right to peacefully assemble & free speech is under daily assault.

Without the 1st amendment, you won't have 2A!!!!

Using religion as a means of hypocrisy!
As a result of 4 years of lies & division which drove a wedge in my family & friendships with hate...

November 3rd will be a day of reckoning!

Payback time!!! We're coming to reclaim our democracy!

We the People!
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