We're getting kicked out of the apartment. I'm still $780 short to pay the rent in full. The extension given is over. Our landlord told me just this morning that we have until Monday to pay our rent balance. Y'all I was retrenched last month. I hate to ask you this, but if u have
a dollar to spare I'd highly appreciate it. I am also willing to pay it once I get a new job next month. I have pending job applications. Don't know when I'll get the call, but I'm keeping my hopes high. This year has been the toughest year of my entire life. I fear for my life.
I fear for my disabled dad's life and my little sister's life. I just can't imagine being homeless during this pandemic. My abusive landlord cut off the water supply yesterday without informing us. He might cut off the electricity this weekend too. My dad needs proper ventilation
or else his condition will get worse. My landlord told me that he'll use force to kick us out. He's really wicked.🥺 I'm just scared rn. I feel helpless. My father doesn't know about this. Y'all, if you have anything to spare, please do so. http://paypal.me/ikeemouse 
My plan is to find a new place to live. A place away from distractions and judgments. A place where I could practice my craft again-painting. A place where I could find peace of mind. I just don't have the means yet. I'll be forever indebted to the people who'll help us. 🙏🏽
RTs and donations are highly appreciated. 🙏🏽
I didn't expect all of this to happen. As someone who grew up having not so many friends, this type of attention overwhelms me. I'm in tears—tears of happiness. I'M FULLY FUNDED. The family is. The fundraiser is. I don't know how to pay all of you. I'm just grateful to y'all🥺
You can follow @ikeeemouse.
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