WHO defined "bitchiness/cattiness/jealousy" as a feminine trait and WHY?
No seriously, it IS misogynistic, but we almost never point out for some reason. Why do we have to constantly bring down girls/women who are good at what they do?
A thread-
Oh and i'm not saying it is JUST our fault that this happens, patriarchy does have a role to play. The fact that there are less chances for a woman to grow in the same field, they develop a sense of 'competitiveness', they feel like they HAVE to be better.
Similarly, cinema. We grew up watching movies and were introduced to such characters- from Meredith from Parent Trap to Regina from Mean Girls to Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. And girls WORSHIP them for being the so called "bad bitches"
On the other hand, I've seen girls hating on characters like Hermione, i've seen them hate on that girl in the class who sits in the front seat and reminds the teacher of some topic she had to cover but forgot. I GREW UP with girls like this.
I've seen girls come up and say "I'm a Tomboy" so proudly it made me wanna scream at her face, " Why can't you say 'I'm a woman or I'm a girl' with the same pride? Are you ashamed of being one?" Also, look up the definition of 'tomboy'.
"A tomboy is a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy." And WHO defined these traits exactly? Why can't a girl who prefers short hair or rock climbing or anything conventionally masculine be referred to as "a girl"??
If you've been taking pride in being a "bad bitch" or a "tomboy", you need to spend some time to question your hidden misogyny. If you're the former, you're nothing but a terrible person, a sad excuse for a human-
and if you're the latter, you're just too ashamed to be called a woman for some fucked up reason.
It is time you say "I'm a woman/girl" with just the same pride. And it is time for you t lift up that overly confident girl you've been hating,
to lift up that girl you've been commenting on for wearing too much make-up, or that girl who answers all the question and you say "poori book ratke aai hai".
I was gonna say "I'm sorry, I was angry" but i really don't see a reason to apologize.
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