The operational false positive rate of the widely used PCR test is so large that ALL the mass testing data since June should be flushed. Think of cities & areas locked down needlessly? And both SAGE & HMG have known about this for at least 3 months.
From a .gov document: “The UK operational false positive rate is unknown. There are no published studies on the operational false positive rate of any national COVID-19 testing programme.
An attempt has been made to estimate the likely false-positive rate of national COVID-19..
.. testing programmes by examining data from published external quality assessments (EQAs) for RT-PCR assays for other RNA viruses carried out between 2004-2019 [7]. Results of 43 EQAs were examined, giving a median false positive rate of 2.3% (interquartile range 0.8-4.0%).”
I think it would be unwise to assume or accept that the operational FPR is even as low as the lowest interquartile range from a closely related assay series. I doubt therefore the true FPR is as low as 0.5% & probably higher. 

This makes a mockery of ALL the recently published..
.. data from a Tier 3, because the apparent actual positive rate is stated as low as 0,05% when I doubt it can be lower than ten times that. Heneghan has hinted at this and I never understood why. Now I do know.

What the hell is going on?
The world has used PCR for virus tracking many times before, eg SARS-1, MERS, Zika, Ebola etc and never has such deliberately lax specs & applications been employed. Never has a single positive alone in the absence of suspicion or symptoms been treated as a real results, not..
..a single time. Why this time? The impacts of FP results echo around the county & behind. It alone, in the absence of actual disease, which has all but vanished, has nearly or actually broken the economy & society. On purpose. Using an assay good in small burst when..
.. prevalence is high, then deploying it in mass screening where the prevalence is known to be low, probably LOWER than the FPR. 
In that setting, PCR can ONLY find false positives. When the mobile testers roll into your town, that’s what they’re there to find. Why, no idea.
All the breathy news about “outbreaks in a northern city”. It’s all false positives derived from using an assay known to be terminally flawed in this application. And someone is straining sinews to increase the daily testing capacity. Why? All it can find, operating how & where.. is, is to find positives, 90%++ of which will be false. No wonder people aren’t ill. Not surprised they never come back to see if anyone has been admitted or died. They won’t, because they didn’t have the virus.
I don’t like this line of reasoning because of where it leads.
But I no longer believe a thing we’re being told. I feel fear, because this isn’t an accident. It’s not some obscure technical limitation. It’s a complete gash in the bottom of our national testing strategy & it’s in writing from desperate employees, pointing this out months...
..ago, putting the top priority into finding the real FPR & altering the way in which PCR fits into testing, in the same way such assays always have: never use them as the sole means of identifying positives. ‘Cases’ = lies.
I’ve not a clue why this is being done, but someone & some bodies do.
Tell us. Now.
And CEASE mass testing today.
It’s fraudulent & damaging.
Just to show that nature has a lively SOH, as I stacked these tweets up, the rain, which had been spotty, ramped up ten fold. As I hit ‘tweet all’, the power in the property went out. ‘Tweets aren’t loading right now’, said my device.
A few minutes later, they ‘went’. The phone went: it was an automated call from U.K. Power Networks, telling me of a power outage in our postcode (ours is shared with just half a dozen houses in this small rural village). It was almost as if the message was for me :)
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