My vision for Britain in 2030 (thread):
- well on the way to net zero carbon
- all new homes built to Passivhaus standard
- per capita GDP top three in Europe
- 100MB broadband to 99.95% of the population
- an immigration policy that serves the people already living here...
- identity politics, ‘wokeness’, far-left socialism a distant memory
- the BBC returned to its senses and a dominant global force in the media, but not at the expense of the independent producers
- the country fully prepared for, and able to survive, major space weather...
- politically conservative, friendly to enterprise, hostile to monopolies and oligopolies
- outward looking, confident, a force for good in the world
- the number of people working for the state as a percentage of the population down by 25%...
- autonomous vehicles operating freely throughout the country
- no house building where it floods
- two-tier local government (regional assemblies and district councils), with devolved powers
- a United Kingdom comfortably united
- warm relations with a prosperous EU...
- an imaginative solution in place for providing housing for an ageing population, a world away from current concepts
- closer trading and diplomatic relations with African nations
- an honest and open reconciliation with former colonies, warts and all, on both sides
- ENDS -
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