I know several such white voters for whom this is 100% true. https://twitter.com/mharrisperry/status/1299317720849289218
I talked about this dynamic in this June thread. https://twitter.com/sethcotlar/status/1277106596099710978
Here is the same dynamic, only in this case aimed at people who want their vote for someone who pursues homophobic and transphobic policies to be koshered by some LGBTQ folk willing to vouch for Trump. https://twitter.com/maggienyt/status/1299110013965938689
Twenty years ago we had a national conversation about the legacy of lynching where we learned that white people often treated these events as parties. They took pictures and sent gruesome postcards to relatives. They thought they were the good guys. https://teachinghistory.org/history-content/website-reviews/14676
It makes white ppl feel better about themselves to look back at those lynchings & say "those people were monsters, I'd never do that." Well, that's simply inaccurate. Every white person at every one of those lynchings was "a nice guy" to someone.
They would pull over to help you fix a flat tire. They'd share their last beer with you. And they would also either look the other way or eagerly participate in a lynching of a black person or a Jew they regarded as an existential threat to their community and civilization.
This is the part that's so hard for white people to talk about amongst themselves. I think many of us know people who would shoot a BLM protester they deemed "a threat" in a heartbeat if they could get away with it. We also experience that person as "a nice guy," to us.
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