60 days until Shadowlands release

Starting today, I'll post something Warcraft related every day until the 27th of October, because I'm hyped as hell

Anyway, you all better watch this cinematic right now
59 days until Shadowlands release

I've been thinking about the expansion after Shadowlands, and I'll try to make a random guess and say it will be focused on Medivh or Karazhan
58 days until Shadowlands release

Yesterday I played WoW with a trial character after more than 2 years of not playing the game, and it was beautiful

I will never get tired of this game
57 days until Shadowlands release

Almost forgot to post today woops

I've been thinking about it, and it's very likely that Arthas will become my favorite Warcraft character after Shadowlands, even though I love Illidan a lot
56 days until Shadowlands release

I'll dedicate this day to someone who surely would be excited about the new expansion, someone who has been there since the beginning, and now is an important part of the story of the Warcraft community

Reckful, I hope your soul found peace
55 days until Shadowlands release

I've been thinking about the characters that might appear again in Shadowlands aside from the ones that we already know, and I really want to see Tirion Fordring, Terenas Menethil and Anduin Lothar, although I don't think they'll be there
54 days until Shadowlands release

Now that Kael'Thas and Lady Vashj are coming back, I wonder if they'll say something about Illidan

Although I hope we won't see Illidan in the Shadowlands
53 days until Shadowlands release

These are the 2 characters I hate the most in the entire Warcraft story
52 days until Shadowlands release

If you don't think that this is the best Warcraft song, you are wrong
51 days until Shadowlands release

I think Lor'Themar Theron will be pretty important in the expansion, and I'm glad

I have always loved that character but didn't do anything in years
50 days until Shadowlands release

I still don't know which covenant I want to join

I know that serious players will choose the one that's better for their class, but since I play for fun I'll just choose the one I like the most

Kael'thas, Uther or Alexandros aa i can't decide
49 days until Shadowlands release

I watched the Maldraxxus cinematic yesterday, and I have to say that it wasn't really interesting. But I guess that's because Draka isn't a very important character in the Warcraft story, so seeing her doesn't mean much to most players
48 days until Shadowlands release

This cinematic will never stop giving me chills
47 days until Shadowlands release

I saw a spoiler about Turalyon while watching Asmongold's stream
I wish I saw it for the first time in-game, but I don't care. I love Turalyon
46 days until Shadowlands release

Watched the Ardenweald cinematic yesterday, and it's pretty sad

I didn't expect Ursoc to just die like that
45 days until Shadowlands release

I don't know what to post today so here's a picture of Ragnaros
44 days until Shadowlands release

If I don't get Invincible during this expansion I will be really disappointed
43 days until Shadowlands release

This is why I love Khadgar https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=LLBdmUYwniMB2pRuTWyVOURg&v=UW5IYrgOgYU
42 days until Shadowlands release

I still don't know if I'll play with my demon hunter or if I will main another class like death knight or mage

They are all fun qwq
41 days until Shadowlands release

Please someone make time go faster, I can't wait to play this expansion
40 days until Shadowlands release

New cinematic today, hopefully it will be a Kael'thas cinematic instead of a Garrosh one
39 days until Shadowlands release

I watched the Revendreth cinematic, and even though Kael'Thas wasn't there, it was BEAUTIFUL

I loved everything, the music, the story, Garrosh being tortured, the main character being extremely evil, it's just perfect
38 days until Shadowlands release

I didn't talk about the long screen yet.

The art is pretty beautiful, and I love seeing ICC again in the login screen

And the music is so good, I love how they mixed the Wrath of the Lich King theme with some new music
37 days until Shadowlands release

I've been thinking about it, and WoW is one of the few RPG games that I have played where slimes aren't one of the first enemies the player fights

Also, they are ugly
36 days until Shadowlands release

I don't have access to the pre-patch
35 days until Shadowlands release

I wonder which important characters will die in this expansion

I hope one of them is Sylvanas
34 days until Shadowlands release

I hate the new mount, why would people vote for this?

(I know that this isn't the actual mount but it will literally be an infernal with leaves)
33 days until Shadowlands release

They are changing my class and I don't know how I should feel about it
32 days until Shadowlands release

I wonder if Khadgar will come back in this expansion, I really loved him as a character in WoD and Legion
31 days until Shadowlands release

To be honest, after seeing all those bugs that every class have, I hope they delay the release of the expansion
30 days until Shadowlands release

Only 1 month left before I can lose my life in a video game again
29 days until Shadowlands release

I don't know if I said it already, but I'm 100% going to choose Revendreth as my covenant

I loved that cinematic
28 days until Shadowlands release date

I don't know what to post today, again

So here's a picture of Mal'Ganis
27 days until Shadowlands release

I think they are making another Warcraft movie, and I really hope it's related to either Illidan or Arthas

I think those 2 characters are the best ones to make a movie about
26 days until Shadowlands release

I will probably try to get Gladiator, I want one of those mounts

But I suck at PVP so we'll see


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