I wonder if the person/people behind Q had any idea how big it would get. It is frightening to think about, really - that some anonymous internet rando plopping vague cryptic messages/predictions on 4chan has grown into an influential figure with a passionate cult following.
I suppose it's possible that there's someone with power and influence behind it. Even so, the way this thing has grown and how it has captured the imagination of so many people despite being so disconnected from common sense, despite getting so many predictions wrong is scary.
My understanding is that it's basically an elaborate pizzagate rip-off with an added layer of shadowy machinations and secret plans playing out behind the scenes in the halls of power. I guess there's a certain appeal to the notion that it's all more complex than it appears.
Whoever started it could not possibly have foreseen how it would catch on and take on a life of its own.

It was like lightning in a bottle.

They've clearly tapped into something in the human psyche. It's almost an "augmented reality" - like the smartphone game Pokémon Go.
QAnon, like Pokémon Go, adds a layer of excitement to the real world. But instead of putting cartoon creatures in parks and parking lots, QAnon adds a layer of fantasy to our political and cultural structures. And many people apparently don't realize it's a fantasy.
I remember when Pokémon Go came out, several people joked that the creatures had actually been there all along, and the game was allowing us to finally see them.

QAnon is essentially doing the same thing, except many people don't see the joke.
Everything about it seems so post-modern and post-reality.

I'm just trying to wrap my head around it all.
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