so, storytime. i got into an art club, right. i didn't even think i was gonna get in to begin with, at least by the end of applications. right now, i'm obviously content with my acceptance because i did put work into it.
Here's the thing, though. The reason why I didn't think I was going to get in is because a mutual/ friend of mine joined applications at the very end and knowing them, I knew they would pull off something better than I would've. And I was worried.
So, I got accepted, they didn't. But ever since, (and I know you're seeing this), they have been complaining in almost every platform I'm at, not to exaggerate or anything... about how they would've gotten in if they had more time. They're also kinda hinting-
-how the admins were insulting towards them because they compared their efforts with mine, by saying that I did "more than I was supposed to," and that their docs were "incomplete."
Let me tell you why exactly I'm upset with my mutual's stance.
First off, the way they're describing the admins' behaviour is really off-putting. It's making it seem as if the admins were biased towards me because I wrote more and because I sent my application waaaay earlier than my mutual. They say they don't want to-
- offend anyone, but it is offensive to me. They weren't being biased. They set a bar, and especially seeing as noone was competing for that very same spot for weeks on end, I wouldn't be surprised if they already established who they wanted in.
They were being fair. With my mutual saying that "they would have gotten in if they had more time," how does that make them so confident that they would have gotten in? How does that not affect my pride? How am I supposed to feel? Like some idiot who got in-
- because the admins were biased? Are you kidding me? I have enough to deal with as is, and my reasons for sending early were so I could deal with my life, too. What does that say for other admissioners who got in? I get that they're upset and I support them-
- because I've been through the same thing numerous times. I decided to make this whole thread because I'm honestly sick of this situation and it's making me feel really shitty over being accepted over something I was looking forward to, deadass.
Universities, job applications: they compare efforts of their applicants (not applying this to every case) to set a bar and also to show where some applicants are lacking. I still cannot fathom how my mutual can (lowkey) accuse the admins, who were being absolutely fair-
- of being rude and calling my mutual "lazy" when it wasn't even underlined nor implied. And this is only the first point.
Secondly, my mutual stated it themselves that they didn't have time to make a completed application, because of their uni work. my question is:
.... why did you join the admissions, then? Because I don't think anyone should join an activity if they don't have time to work and prepare for it. I don't think anyone should complain about not being given "enough time" when a) they didn't have time to begin with and-
b) the admins overseeing the process had a set deadline for it and the supposed applicant sends their application really close to said deadline.
Like, just, don't overwork yourself over an app that you know you won't have time for?
To conclude, I love this mutual a lot. They've been a long time internet friend, they've got good art and they're rather fun to talk with. But god, just- I wish they would drop the subject. It's not good for them (and by me making this thread, it's not good either)-
- and I sincerely think there are waaaay more clubs there to join and make time for and concentrate in, rather than staying hung up on being rejected from this one club.
I don't mean to offend anyone by this, but I will stand by my words.
Good day to you.
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