Why are the boomers all Tories these days, you ask? It is worth noting that they always have been. Infamous ultra-leftist Denis Healey pointed out that the post-war settlement lasted until the people who were adults in WW2 started retiring in the late 1970s.
Labour failed to offer more than continuity Keynes + paternalism in the 1970s. Or rather it refused to adopt the only possible model for a dynamic advance on social democracy - Bennism. As a result Thatcher could claim the future while Labour sought to defend the past.
The right was going on about how it was fine, morally admirable even, to make money by any means necessary. And there was money to be made in the Great Selloff. Meanwhile, the left seemed to be led by people who knew Aneurin Bevin personally, or by Aneurin Bevin tribute acts.
Thatcher rewarded a big chunk of the boomers with asset ownership (especially in the Greater South East) and they have been insulated from the wider economy's problems by all of her successors (apart from Major, come to think of it - no ZIRP in the early 90s.)
If you add the, how shall we put this, actuarial impact of doing a proper job, that further skews the surviving boomers rightwards. TL:DR Boomers were always intended by the right to be the gravediggers of the post-war settlement, a role they took to with enormous enthusiasm.
All the teary-eyed nostalgia about the forties has to be seen in the context of the boomers' thorough demolition of the lifeworld their parents fought for in WW2 (and secured in the 1945 General Election).
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