Myth #1: ‘Refugees crossing the Channel by boat is illegal.’

Reality: The 1951 Refugee Convention says that governments cannot penalise people for how they enter the country if they are coming to seek refuge. https://www.unhcr.org/uk/3b66c2aa10 
Myth #2: ‘Immigration puts a strain on the NHS’

Reality: Migrants make up a significant percent of the NHS workforce. 13.3% of NHS staff say that their nationality is not British. 28.4% of doctors in the NHS were born abroad. https://www.health.org.uk/news-and-comment/blogs/immigration-and-the-nhs-the-evidence
Myth #3: ‘Tougher border controls aim to tackle smuggler gangs.’

Reality: Tougher border controls mean more people will use smugglers and risk dangerous routes of entry. The govt needs to offer people who seek asylum a safe and legal way to do so.

Myth #4: ‘We need tougher borders, we can't afford to support more people seeking asylum.’

Reality: From 2015-18 the UK spent ~£100m on security at the Calais border. Ppl seeking asylum are given just £37.75/w by the UK govt and have no right to work. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-42723401
Myth #7: ‘The UK never detains children’

Reality: In 2018 - 63 children entered immigration detention centres in the UK. Despite the government’s claim to have abolished child detention in 2011.

Myth #9: 'People who come to the UK from France can’t be asylum seekers because France is a safe country'

Reality: According to international law - refugees have the right to settle in any country they choose. Asylum seekers in France face ongoing persecution from authorities.
Police in Calais routinely use pepper spray on migrants when they pose no threat; regularly spray or confiscate sleeping bags, clothing, food, and water. Police also disrupt the delivery of humanitarian assistance. https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/10/24/france-inquiry-finds-police-abused-migrants-calais
Myth: #10: 'People come to the UK from France because we give generous benefits like paying for hotels.'

Reality: Asylum seekers in the UK are provided with just £37.5 a week to cover their basic needs.
Asylum seekers in the UK are often provided with inadequate housing...
Research shows what commonly brings asylum seekers to the UK is not the benefits but language, family or the existence of community networks who can support them while they try to rebuild their lives after experiencing the horrors of conflict.
Myth #11: ‘Migration is driving down wages by undercutting British workers’

Reality: The most recent research from LSE says “the areas of the UK with large increases in EU immigration did not suffer greater falls in the jobs and pay of UK-born workers."
The big falls in wages after 2008 are due to the global financial crisis and a weak economic recovery, not to immigration.
Myth #12: 'Migrants steal jobs from British workers.'

Reality: The job market is not fixed - there are not a certain no. of jobs which will be "taken up" by a country's population. Immigrants who are self-employed or entrepreneurs also create new jobs. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36261966
Myth #13: 'The UK’s housing crisis is caused by immigration.'

Reality: The primary cause of the housing crisis is the lack of new houses being built. Since the 1980s, public bodies have largely abandoned large scale housing construction projects. https://www.bigissue.com/latest/why-does-the-uk-have-a-housing-crisis/
Private firms also contribute to the housing crisis in a number of ways including land banking - holding on to land that could be used for housing, until the value of land reaches its peak. This reduces the availability of housing and drives house prices up further.
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