💫 the untamed cql commemorative art book

location concept arts
scene illustrations

please do not repost. rts, suggestions comments are highly appreciated. feel free to use them as wallpapers!

starting off with yunmeng
lotus pier
lotus pier

the cloud recesses
the jingshi
the library pavilion
the cold spring
jingshi, the quiet room
yashi, the elegant room
lanshi, the orchid room
caiyi town

bu ye tian, the nightless city/nevernight
qiongqidao, qiongqi road/qiongqi path

bu jing shi, the unclean realm
shi cheng bao, the stone castles
gates to the training grounds of the unclean realm
east wing

jinlintai, the carp/koi tower
shijie’s courtyard where jin zixuan planted her lotus seed pods
the fragrant palace, main hall of carp tower
jinlintai guestroom
white peony (sparks amidst snow), lanling jin's sect motif
yi cheng, yi city
luanzang gang, the burial mounds
demon slaughtering cave
more illustrations that depict certain scenes

wangxian at nightless city
the famous "tianzi xiao, fen ni yi tan"
the fall
wangxian powerful
waterborne abyss
baifeng shan hunt opening ceremony
jin ling and dancing peri
lan wangji inquiry
lan wangji and tusha xuanwu
wei wuxian falling down to luanzang gang
yiling laozu at wen chao's
goddess statue at temple in dafan shan/mountain
wen ning, jin zixuan and hole in his chest, and the yiling laozu with chen qing
last but not least

wen ruohan's puppets (or urukhai, as i'd like to call them)
thanks for making it all the way down here! if you'd like to use any of these photos as wallpapers, feel free to as they're all in HD!

i hope you enjoyed the thread!

a million thanks to @hyceate for offering to remove some of the book spine markings 💕
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