Hi, media! Are any of you going to ask if Pelosi's "Biden shouldn't debate Trump because that would legitimize him" idiocy was a factor in the left-wing violence outside the White House last night?
I know this is a "narrative" none of you mainstream media reporters wants to touch, but top Democrats have CONSTANTLY encouraged harassment of Republican voters and officials. They constantly question President Trump's legitimacy, and that of any Republican who supports him.
Violent Democrat followers are doing exactly what Democrat leaders have been telling them to do for years. You media types would have absolutely no problem drawing a line from rhetoric to violence if these were Republicans. You'd fall all over yourselves to do it.
You would have been writing op-eds for years about how the ugly rhetoric of "Resistance" was likely to result in violence and destruction. You would have been outraged if anyone dared to question the legitimacy of an elected Democrat president in any way.
Of course we know you won't do your jobs even now, with congressmen and senators under attack outside the White House. You'd never dream of using your access to top Democrats to ask them uncomfortable questions. You'll do everything you can to firewall them from the violence.
You're more likely to ask the targets of the violence what they did to bring it upon themselves, blame it all on President Trump, and make another ridiculous attempt to sell Joe Biden as some kind of national healer.

In other words, you'll support domestic terrorism.
If there's one message every terrorist wants to send, it's that the victims are responsible for the violence perpetrated against them. Political violence craves legitimacy, which begins with shifting blame away from the people who organized, inspired, and committed the violence.
So Dem media will let Dem politicians get away with years of extremist and inflammatory rhetoric, when we all know reporters would be having a stroke right now if political violence went down after Republicans talked like Pelosi and the rest of the Dem leadership.
And we should all understand it's up to us, as individual American voters, to severely punish the Democrat Party for its effort to legitimize political violence. No other course of action makes sense. And don't let them pump the brakes or walk it back now that they got caught.
It's comically obvious that Dems are frantically trying to adjust their messaging after seeing polls that scared them to death. Too late. Much, much too late. The Democrat Party must suffer at the ballot box in a way that echoes for generations to come.
The only way to scare all parties away from using political violence is to make the Democrat Party pay a price that will never be forgotten. May all future politicians be frightened away from taking even the first little step down the path Democrats have taken. /end
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