I'm almost at 2k. Any comrades I am not following yet? Let me know!
#NoComradesUnder1k #NoComradesUnder2k #NoComradesLeftBehind

Where are you?
Looks like I'm getting blocked by people for dissing "witchcraft". Is it wrong to say that "witchcraft" sounds like floaty bullshitty nonsense to me? What is it supposed to sound like? A solid, down-to-earth, scientific method?
I'm not saying you can't be into that kind of stuff if it's your thing – I believe in freedom of religion, you can believe in the flying spaghetti monster for all I care. But don't expect me to be wildly enthusiastic about your irrationality either.
Poll ended but here's a new one. Please vote on it too so we can track our progress. https://twitter.com/jonsneyers/status/1299741588986494977?s=19
You can follow @jonsneyers.
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