I don’t compare myself to anyone unless I’m planning to learn from them.
That goes for teaching and photography. I recognise when I can learn from someone and will do whatever I can to recognise their journey and hard work.
I compare myself to them with the mindset ‘how can I learn from this person to better MYSELF’ and not ‘They are better than me, why am I not as good as them?’
This means that I’m not afraid to tell people when they are inspiring. I’m never ashamed to say ‘Can I sit with you? Can I observe you? Can I pick your brain?’
I am grown enough to not seek validation in a situation where I am learning from someone, but rather to discuss how I can improve. I am still me and won’t compromise the core of who I am. But I am evolving.
We can learn so much from eachother. Pride is not conducive to growth, education or betterment.
And don’t get me wrong. I LOVE development points and feedback. LOVE IT. But I am also VERY sensitive. So I have to keep myself in check with regards to that and not take certain things personally.
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