#NowReading in depth - this will be a thread because there’s so much to love here! https://twitter.com/ildalatam/status/1298214702032588800
Practically everything in this excellent article can be said about any data that is shared between people & organisations. And not just the data, also the “stuff” that helps us share that data more easily and with less “friction”.
That’s not said to dilute the message about open standards for data.

They are a powerhouse for collaboration at scale. If you want to change the world and data will help you do it, you’re going to hit a collaboration barrier at some point.

Guess what removes that barrier?
Ok, pausing to feed the cat - as you do. Prince Fergie cares not about data and missions 🥰
Let’s take this for example “Sometimes we focus so much on building the technology that we forget to focus on power and to address the new power dynamics formed.”
Why does data have so much of an effect on power & culture?
Think about why we invest so much time, money & effort in data and data technologies?

Why in 2270 BCE did Rimush, king of Akkad record a *list* of victories upon Abalgamash, king of Marhashi on clay tablets?
Recording and using data, (words and numbers): for trade, for memory, for propaganda, to organise, to grow, to compete, to persuade, is something we’ve done since we had the technology to do so.

Sumerian clay tablets and Egyptian papyrus became silicon chips and paper.
Recording and using data doesn’t just support (or destroy) existing dynamics and industries, it creates new opportunities.

Why? Because it gives us something we didn’t have before: new insight. Knowing stuff that others don’t (information asymmetry) is itself power.
More prosaically, clay tablets meant we needed scribes.

More trade for the British Empire meant we needed clerks to record the vast wealth being taken and sometimes lost at sea.

We also needed computers. In 1613 that meant "one who computes". The first computers were humans.
I’ve gone off track a little, so let’s get back to power and culture.

We record what’s important and that, to some extent, shapes our culture, norms, and directs the flow of power.

What’s excluded has at some point been determined unimportant - deliberately or by mistake.
So when we design data standards (essentially norms) we are describing & creating a view of that bit of the world & how we expect it to work - at scale. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/norm 
With enough people backing that data standard (again think norm), it will gain acceptance, use and help to shape what’s acceptable in that area.

People will design the systems you use to make decisions so they support & align with the standard. That’s power 👊🏿
Hang on, you might say. It’s just a bunch of geeks in a back room twiddling code.

Not so fast. These days data standards are working their way into legislation & policy.

And what else? Machine learning, AI, neural networks, automation. All using data shaped by standards...
I could and would write reams more, but my cat shared that 95% of content cats need to chase danger wand birds. Anyway, go read the article! It’s good!
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