Hahahahahaha a 40 yo woman sexualizes an 18 yo guy's(kid ffs) legs hahahahahahahah. Hilarious stuff. (Atleast AA and Pooja Hegde were just acting on screen Ffs but we still call that out after a year.. IYKYK)
Seriously I'm willing to give a benefit to my mutuals that they either 1.didn't see this 2.the one's who saw and reacted don't know their ages 3.are afraid to call out a mutual because it's easy to call out Trivikram and PuriJagannadh
If you're my mutual and are confused, DM. So bored of the said people hide behind "this girl hates me. Oh holier than thou" crap. So don't want to publicly call out.I've done this already and got blocked. So your turn to decide if you're enabling this and performing wokeness here
Still cringing 🤢🤢🤢
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