Long post.
Black Lesbian admin here. Was asked to write a few things down for all of us but from my view and people around me. Plus other 3 admin have written in their own stuff and I agree with it. We took time to go through what we wanted to try and say. So might be a bit
all over on reading but we hope it makes some sense.

Kelly Olsen is vital rep. We get that. We all agree with that. What we don't get or like is a sudden influx of gatekeepers in this fandom who are all over it going at other fans for stuff they don't like. Obviously some alt
accounts are being used to increase numbers who are doing this as well. But anyways, like the show has to shoulder a lot of this, but you also need to remember like it or not, head canon, fanon whatever you want to call it and alternate universe came about in fandoms because not
everyone saw the same thing you do. Or because their own rep is shit poor. Yeah, Black lesbian rep is one of the lowest, but y'all out there screaming how rare it is, when it ain't the lowest or rarest for LGBTQA+ out on our screens. It really ain't as rare as y'all think when
you really look at other rep needed for LGBTQA+ 

Y'all be living under a rock if you don't even look at the CW past Kelly. Anissa not just a Black Lesbian but a superhero. We got Sophie on Batwoman, because she was living a lie to avoid being outed but she a lesbian. We got the
new Batwoman going to be lesbian not bi or pan or queer as far as we know. But in doing that they erasing a jewish woman from the show unless they make her jewish. A lot of people IDed with Kate Kane because she wasn't just a lesbian but jewish. You want to look at that level of
rep? Or y'all going to ignore it? Cos if we shout down people for not respecting Kelly's rep but don't stand up and say, yeah great we get a Black batwoman, but at the expense of canon jewish rep and that ain't right? Come on. Hypocrites is what it makes us. How many of you
yelling loudest at the moment on Kelly even gave that a thought? 

Any of y'all bothered to look at Disclosure on Netflix? You should and really take in what it is telling us all. If we think Black lesbian rep is bad, using CW again so it's like for like comparison, transgender
people get it far worse. Sure we got Nia Nal on CW but she ain't going to be rep for all trans people out there. Or non-binary. But if you say to trans people, hey you got Nia, and not even understanding they deserve more that is low key transphobic.

More than that these are
the areas of our community, where fans have to use their own identities and experiences on canon characters throughout tv and film for fanon rep because they don't have anyone else to look to. 

So if some take some Supergirl characters to do that because they have no other way
to see their rep, we ain't going to judge them for it.

How do y'all think we got people like Kelly, Anissa, Sophie and new Batwoman on our screens? 

Because we didn't have them we had to put fanon on other shows long before. Had to say to networks put these characters in your

Rather than attack these fans who have no other way to express their rep, go at the media companies who supply us. Push them to make better rep for us, not just some of us. 

You want better rep? Y'all got to stop with the gatekeeping and attacking others for their own
interpretation on rep. We can ignore them. Mute, block, don't go looking at timelines. Don't read stuff y'all don't like. You have the choice whether to read or look at stuff online.
Ask yourself, even with Kelly, Anissa and the rest, how many of you look at a straight BIPOC tv
characters and make them LGBTQA+ anyway? Sam is a great example of this. That's head canon and you out here saying people can't do that just because it's Kelly? It doesn't work like that in fandoms, never has never will.

Our fight ain't with them fans but with tv and movie
industry who put stuff up on our screens. Hold the companies to account that say they're going to be better but only be performative. Use your voice not just for your rep but for all our rep as LGBTQA+ canon and fanon. 

It's why we openly support Supercorp because the
queerbaiting they face is the worst. So we call out Supergirl and CW on it. Show support to others in our community, who also get attacked for the actions of a few Supercorp fans who take it too far.

It's why we support Nia Nal on Supergirl and how poor the rep has been over
the full season. Just like Kelly has been done the dirty on. We could just focus on Kelly and Alex, but we refuse to not recognize and support all our LGBTQA+ family, cos you all important to us.

Y'all are bringing down Dansen fans in the way a lot of other fans now look at us
in the fandom. 

Y'all think Azie would want this? Want us to not just ignore but attack others who get less than we do, or see things in ways that relate to them not us? Tearing down other minorities in our community just because it don't fit our minority? We don't think she
would. But we know it is our opinion and you're free to disagree.

If you do carry this on, Dansen fan page are saying here and now not for the first time.

We respect all ships for LGBTQA+ fans.

Dansen, Supercorp, Sanvers, AgentReign, AgentCorp, and anything else LGBTQA+ fans
want to do as long as it ain't Astra/Kara and stuff like that. Cos illegal and sorry just ewwww. You leave us alone, we leave you alone. 

We see y'all screaming down Sanvers fans just now when you ignore AgentReign or AgentCorp as the other 2 main ships taking Alex
out of Dansen. You want to fight them too?

Or you going to attack AgentCorp fans but not AgentReign because Sam ain't white? 

Because if you do, do you hear yourselves? 

So anyway. Ship whatever you want to ship, see what you need out of a character, canon and otherwise but
stop with it policing on other fans. If we see someone outright doing that we will block you from the page. 

You don't do it in our name. Ever.

Any fans who feel uncomfortable because of it all and worry you can't talk about Dansen or Kelly even
if it ain't your main ship, know you can here. We want to be an inclusive space.
You can follow @DansenFans.
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