My address and pictures of my children have been shared, personal photos and pretransition pics are currently hosted on a gendercrit blog, I received emails and messages mocking my mothers death from cancer, I have been called a fetishist, a pedo, a rapist on my personal facebook
Just for being trans, on twitter, and standing up for myself.

Its a slice of luck for everyone that I deal with this shit with a wave of the hand and some cool wit 😎, because if I was as unbalanced as the gendercrits I would have wiped the fuckers out by now!!
FWIW Ive been through the GIC process, I am diagnosed gender dysphoric and transsexual.

I swear there are times this makes us more of a target.

They pretend to support 'diagnosed trans' and yet they target us even more harshly to silence us, because they pretend to support us.
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