The point of the 1619/BLM/woke tech riots is the chastening and ultimate abolition of the middle class. The prior arrangement of capitalism created a layer of people without much formal education who nevertheless had stable jobs and somewhat decent lives. (1/7)
With mass deindustrialization, this layer of class society has become redundant. They have already been replaced by their foreign counterparts, to the celebration of capitalists and “knowledge workers” who benefit from the more lucrative exploitation of low-wage foreigners. (2/7)
The calls from the left for M4A and increased immigration are a benefit to this coalition of elite tech overlords. M4A is a handout - to keep people alive - and has nothing to do with jobs or ownership for the former middle class. It’s patronage from elites to gig workers. (3/7)
The end goal - and never forget this - is the full separation of the American class system into elites and their managers and a vast underclass shut out from ownership of capital and dependent on welfare from elites that’s just enough to keep them going. (4/7)
The GOP is feckless and dumb, but the DNC is the political party of this coalition. The managers & tech capitalists that run it explain to the underclass that we will give you goodies if you help us get rid of this redundant middle layer and move them into the underclass. (5/7)
This is why Kamala Harris can say at the convention that these riots won’t stop and they *shouldn’t* stop: The riots and destruction of middle-tier businesses and livelihoods serves the interests of the tech/shipping overlords (Amazon, e.g.) and proletarianizes the middle. (6/7)
“Socialists” are in fact the enforcers for tech capital. They call for more patronage to the underclass and the protection of managerial jobs, while not touching the ownership of production. Useful idiots or willing collaborators, it doesn’t matter. (7/7)
P.S.: The destruction of the American middle class is also why you frequently hear that “fascism is a middle class movement.” If the middle class is always potentially fascist aren’t we better off removing them? Once more the left ideologically justifies the interests of capital.
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