it's been raining for the past few weeks and it's never rained this much in august since decades. at least 20 people were killed yesterday due to urban flooding and electrocution. Houses are flooding, roads are damaged and people are dying because of our poor drainage system.
had to add some backstory, so please please share this there are so many people who may need this, you never know who it may help i'm adding some more tweets to this thread please share it.
I’ve compiled, and vetted to the best of my abilities, list of organisations that you can donate 2, or help spread the word about. these orgs have shared their donation info/ processes on Facebook and IG pages and are pretty efficient in replying please contact them directly.
1. Saylani Welfare Trust (Find them on FB)
2. Dua Foundation (Find them on FB)
3. Noble Foundation @/noblefoundationpk
4. Youth Interactive Alliance @/
5. Robin Hood Army @/rha_pakistan
6. Corona Ration Foundation @/coronarationproject
Attached is the list of items which you can donate:
Food: dry food, packaged or canned, Clean water to drink,
Clothes: kameez, shalwars, tshirts, trousers, Soaps Towels and blankets, Medicines: panadol, Dettol, Arinac, Buckets and mops, Sanitary napkins/ pads New underwear 1/3
New underwear
toilet paper
Emergency First Aid kits
Please make sure the items are not torn or in bad quality!
more emergency numbers for people in karachi!!!
You can follow @CHAEANNlES.
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