π•¬π–’π–Šπ–—π–Žπ–ˆπ–†π–“ stans sit on this app all day talking about Korea this, China that, the Middle East this, Arabs that, Asia this, Africa that, making all kinds of generalizing statements grouping all kinds of different peoples and cultures together and do not blink about it.
π•¬π–’π–Šπ–—π–Žπ–ˆπ–†π–“π–˜ make jokes about bombing N. Korea and celebrate the death of KJU like nothing, made tons of murder and war jokes about WWIII with Iran ~~to cope~~, support politicians who support coups and american interventionism and the bombing of other countries, no issue.
π•¬π–’π–Šπ–—π–Žπ–ˆπ–†π–“π–˜ are every day in everyone's business and we cannot escape that because your tax money pays for the occupation and the murder of our ppl while you remain oblivious or uncaring. You call for abolition of the police while glorifying ur family in the military,
many π•¬π–’π–Šπ–—π–Žπ–ˆπ–†π–“π–˜ can understand the logic of police abolition and reform within the states, but are incapable of expanding that outside of the states because in actuality, just like american politicians, you do not see ppl in the global south as human beings.
This is why π•¬π–’π–Šπ–—π–Žπ–ˆπ–†π–“π–˜ are so comfortable joking about the bombing and the death of others, and why you don't see why the military is such a fucked up institutions that needs to be rooted out entirely. You care more about an American soldier murdered on their base,
than you do about all the people that soldier has murdered, and how that soldier should not have been in the military to begin with. Nor do you care to understand the power structures between π•¬π–’π–Šπ–—π–Žπ–ˆπ–†π–“ soldiers stationed outside of the states, and the local population.
But oh my the one time someone makes a general statement about the linguistic complexity of american dialects it's the end of the world, and how dare anyone generalize Americans and not be explicit about the nuances of American diversity and identity, aka do what you do everyday.
Lastly, I do wish π•¬π–’π–Šπ–—π–Žπ–ˆπ–†π–“π–˜ would stop comparing and trying to find parallels to everything within an American context. Try understanding things within their original contexts perhaps? I promise you it will make a lot more sense!
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