The "woke" and "left wing" BBC:

- Gave the chairman of the right-wing Spectator two major TV politics shows

- Had Nigel Farage on Question Time more regularly than anyone else ever

- Invited Nick Griffin onto Question Time
- For 10 years the BBC political editor was the former president of the Oxford University Conservative Association

- He now presents Radio 4 Today

- The last Head of BBC Political Programming became Theresa May's Director of Communications

- He's the brother of a Tory MP
- He's a long-standing supporter of Brexit

- He directed BBC political output for 8 years

- His main rival for the job of Head of Politics at BBC was James Landsdale, who was also the other candidate to become May's spin doctor
And now some data, from a major study by Cardiff University

- Tories get more airtime on BBC than Labour, in office or out of office

- in 2014 (leading up to election) Cameron got 53 appearances, Milliband got 15

- Cabinet ministers got 90 vs shadow cabinet 46
- Tory politicians received 50% more airtime than Labour politicians

- Business views (as opposed to union, science, religious, or social views) are represented 11x more on BBC

- Business views on BBC get 2x more coverage on BBC than ITV, and 4x more than Channel 4
- Here is a chart of the % of sources featured during 2008 on BBC Today programme, showing the bias towards the views of financial services vs absolutely any other opinion.
- BBC coverage of the EU from 2012 onwards has been almost exclusively "through the prism of political infighting between Labour and the Conservatives" so no pro-European voices were heard

- The report finds "Voices arguing for the benefits of EU membership were very sparse"
And in case you think all of this is socialist claptrap by a bitter Remoaner, these findings are from a Cardiff University study funded by and published by the BBC Trust
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