I follow rappers and reaction channels so I've seen @IAMTOMMACDONALD's People So Stupid circulating. It's getting enough attention that I can't ignoring it without providing a breakdown of the lyrics (thread).
"I'm praying that the world changes soon
Can't get a doobie on a plane, but there's Uzis in our schools."

I can't argue with this. It's different in Canada, but it's mind-blowing that in the US it's easier to buy and carry a gun than a plant.
"Every dude who touched a boob or a booty getting MeToo'd
What you expect from the kids who went to Hooters after school?"

Guys who touch women aren't getting "MeToo'd," just those who don't get consent. The Hooters reference implies women's clothing is the problem (it's not).
"We're all triggered and defensive, we're all racist and we're sexist."

Like it or not, we are conditioned to be prejudice. We're surrounded by it and we internalize it whether we like it or not. We need to constantly work to unlearn problematic behaviours and views.
"We all grew up watching South Park, how are we offended?"

South Park is offensive - that's the entire premise of the show. While problematic, it taught us to identify societal issues, so it's possible to have watched South Park and be offended by those issues.
"Now being fat is beautiful? Name a thing that you can't do? Jumping jacks, run a mile, live past 42"

Classic fat-shaming which helps no one. Fat people are beautiful because to be human is to be beautiful and fat people are most certainly capable of doing the above.
"Man, it used to be cool to just flip a bird to the system
And now it's trendy to be triggered and pretend you're a victim"

This is contradictory. The system places people in boxes of 'acceptable' or 'not acceptable.' To confront those injustices is to flip a bird to the system.
"It's my race, it's my weight, it's because I'm a Christian
I hate the internet and anyone who has an opinion
And everybody angry if you say "white", 'kay fine
Pass me the brush and I'll paint my face till the shade's right."

Let's talk about abortion, sorry, tell me how this works
Bacteria is life on Mars, but a heartbeat isn't life on Earth? Weird.

Not really weird, you're just equating two different definitions of life (ie human life vs organism).
"I'm a hater 'cause I can't relate to gay pride?
Call me homophobic because I don't wanna date guys? 'Kay tight"

No one calls people homophobic for being straight. Everyone has their own unique sexual orientation and there is nothing wrong with that.
"I, for one, am not surprised the world declined along the way
Giving trophies to children for losing just 'cause they decide to play"

I know participation trophies were a thing when I was growing up, but I don't know that I've ever met someone who liked them.
"We exercise our right to vote then hate the politicians, ayy
This is a democracy, it's partly your decision, ayy"

Fair point. This may not be the case if:

1) We had a better diversity of candidates

2) We had a prorep voting system

3) The majority of people actually voted.
"This is weird, it feels like this is a different year
If I identify as a female, then will my balls and penis disappear?"

Yet again, trans people become the target of ridicule. Of course the way in which someone identifies doesn't alter their physical body. 🙄🤦‍♀️
"Children want a gender switch and hating men is feminist"

Children do not switch genders, they reveal their actual gender, if they happen to be trans.

Hating men is not feminist, I'm not sure where Tom got that idea (TERs maybe?)
"Depression and anxiety are trendy, we're too sensitive"

I take it Tom is promoting the "suck it up" approach. I can tell you from experience, that approach causes far more harm than acknowledging that depression and anxiety exist. Acknowledging a problem allows us to treat it.
"Invented 80 genders, now the world is not accepting it
They gave them more attention than normal women and men can get"

1) There are not "80 genders." Gender is a spectrum and everyone has their own way of identifying where they fit on that spectrum.

2) "Normal" isn't a thing.
"What a contradiction, being human is so tragic
Focus on minorities, ignoring all the masses"

The masses have been dominating the world's attention and have been catered to throughout history, they're not being ignored. This is some All Lives Matter bs.
"Hallelujah, everyone, activism saved the planet
No more plastic straws and paper, just paper straws wrapped in plastic, congratulations"

That's not environmental activism, that's performative change exhibited by corporations that aren't properly regulated.
"Look I get, it's like the world is going crazy
Seems like a school shooting happens almost daily"

"The racism, rape culture, hatred that we're facing
Is way too ingrained for our hashtags to change it"

Agreed, but the hashtags aren't intended to be the change, they're simply the vessel for public awareness.
"We became so lazy and complacent, afraid of our generation
We think activism's Instagramming memes and complaining"

There is nothing wrong with raising awareness of issues through social media, but that cannot be the only form of activism we participate in.
"It's a problem when there's actually actions you could be taking
But you're triggered, so you just cry like a baby"

It's easy to tell someone to stand up and not be offended when you're in a position of privilege and they aren't. Take action on behalf of those less fortunate.
Tom MacDonald has a way of leaving his words open for interpretation, which makes his true intent unclear, but there are parts of this that are indisputably problematic. I've tried to address those throughout this thread. If you have more to add, please reply.
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