+80: Wow, Lisa Part is really good
+50: Lisa's rap is freaking good
+35: Lisa is the top Nation hip hop star
+24: Lisa's rap is really so fxxkin cool
+20: How fxxkin cool Lisa's rhyme is!bb
+20: Lisa's rap is crazy
+18: Lisa looks so pretty in the mv
+14: Lisa's beat is really good. Her voice tone? Her voice is perfect for the song. Her attitude on her rap parts, facial expressions, dance, everything is just classy... INSANE
+14: Lisa's voice... It's crazy
+13: Lisa's rap rhyme is fxxkin dope
+13: Selena and Lisa in the opening is really great
+12: Lisa's just crazy. Honestly, I do t like the song, but blackpink tone is a national treasure
+11: Lisa is crazy
+7: Lisa's rap is just crazy.
All I can say is that I'm crazy

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