"It is your moral duty to stoically endure a constant litany of emotional abuse without complaint, because you deserve it because of crimes committed by people who aren't you, and the fact that you think you don't deserve it is evidence that you do deserve it."
I understand that everyone is coming from a place of hurt, and we are all on different stages of our journey, and I try to allow room for others to grow in their understanding of the world and their personal journey, but I am only so strong in my ability to internalise this.
And one way my weakness and difficulty with forgiveness manifests is like this: If you deploy abuser tactics, then I wish you the very best in your personal growth, but it is very unlikely that I will ever trust you again.
And maybe you don't realise that's what you're doing. Maybe you think you're justified, or didn't consider the harms of your action. This is probably true for a lot of people doing this.

But, well, apparently intent isn't magic.
I was aiming to give myself permission to express anger in this thread, but apparently the anger was mostly just hiding sadness.
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