Reading through the feedback from @ECRCoffeeBreak has been heartbreaking. Students are suffering severely working at home, they need informal, unstructured peer to peer support ie what happens in the office. Those jokes you make to deal with the hardships.
Postdocs are really worried about their future. Insecure contracts, reduction in funding and no automatic extensions. I feel there is about to be a mass exodus into stable jobs. Which leads me to...
Society, or Universities, decided our work is non-essential and sent us home. Let that sink in. So many of us feed on the notion that what we do matters to put up with the utterly absurd realities of the #academic job market. But we were told to go home...
We know how to mitigate this disease now. We can find a way to facilitate some unstructured working, for those who want it. I have friends using WeWork to meet random other workers because they're lonely working at home...
Senior #postdoc are very worried the funding to start new labs will dry up and so will be stuck in yet more postdocs.
Many are split between enjoying the space to relax about work culture vs not being able to work at all ie no side projects/informal collaborations, childcare etc vs pressure to be seen working constantly. The elephants in the room are getting bigger...
Nobody has complained about supervision, but state it is all science focused or they feel uncomfortable talking to their supervisor about personal things, or in writing over email etc.
Honestly it felt like people needed just someone to speak at and the anonymous form provided that. Anyone struggling can DM me.
You can follow @CarlHarrisonPhD.
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