WHITE AMERICA,you CANNOT claim to believe in "Liberty,& Justice" for all,when slavery is STILL legal,& Jacob Blake was shot 7 times,unarmed in the back,& Kyle Rittenhouse murdered innocent people,yet was not shot once. You have done this too many times.
Jacob Blake is paralyzed from the waist down,& handcuffed to a hospital bed. Kyle Rittenhouse was allowed to flee,& then turn himself in after murdering people. Too many of you are showing that you are indeed white supremacists. You cheer his actions. Justice is not in you.
For centuries,tamahu have been the WORLD RECORD holders of genocide,theft,& spread of pestilence. Your history condemns you as a demonically insane cancer upon the Earth. The universe has tired of you,but the rest of actual humanity will too. YOUR TYRANNY WILL END SOON.
You are only 8% of the global population,& rapidly shrinking unholy Caucasian. Your own white supremacist insanity is speeding up your demise in multiple ways. You cannot kill your way out of your fate. Try as you might,THIS is your LAST stand! https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2018/06/30/the-vanishing-white-american.cnn
You have the highest suicide rates,HIV/AIDS cases (which you hide) opioid addiction,commit the most mass shootings on your own kind,have a steadily declining birthrate,& the highest cases of Covid. Lies won't save you this time. YOU'RE AFRAID OF THE DEATH THAT YOU INFLICTED.
Tamahu,the most unholy of all creatures on the planet have NEVER gone anywhere on it in peace. Wherever you found it,you brought war,rape,murder,& theft. You have not shown in generations any sign of redemption,or remorse. There will be no compassion for you in your last days.
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