BREAKING NEWS: Man Identified By CNN As Trump Campaign Surrogate, Terrence K. Williams, Calls Black Lives Matter Protestors "Gorillas," "Monkeys," and "Ghetto-Ass Thugs" in Twitter Livestream Rant; No Response Yet From White House
PS: I want to be really clear about why I'm posting this. I'm posting it because the president must immediately disavow Williams, remove him from campaign surrogacy, and unreservedly denounce his language. You cannot have a surrogate calling black people "gorillas" and "monkeys."
PS2: The comments under Williams' rant are stunning. Scores and scores of Trumpists are applauding him—openly cheering the use of vile racial slurs by a Trump surrogate. Trump just spent a good bit of his RNC courting black voters—and now one of his surrogates does this? Hell no.
PS3: As racial tensions in America are spiking—an understatement—the idea of Donald Trump standing behind a surrogate throwing racial slurs *live* on *camera* on *social media* with *thousands and thousands watching* is a nonstarter. Either Williams goes now or it's an obscenity.
PS4: If Williams were just a dude, it'd be one thing. He's not. He's a campaign surrogate. This means that—if it refuses to part company with him—the Trump campaign is endorsing calling Black Lives Matter protesters "gorillas" and "monkeys." Even the Trump campaign wouldn't dare.
PS5: I'll be astonished if no one in media asks the White House whether it stands behind one of its surrogates using racial slurs repeatedly—and he indeed used them multiple times—on live air.

The GOP spent the RNC bending over backwards—if hamfistedly—to appeal to Black voters.
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