I wrote about the US Marshals Service Special Operations Group helping the Kenosha PD arrest out-of-state terrorists, and it turns out that the arrest was videotaped.
One plainclothes Special Operation Group (SOG) operator in a black hood yanks the lock out of the car door.

Look at his physique.

No doubt he's SOG.
Then a uniformed SOG operator joins the party.

Badge on belt, "US MARSHALS" on the back of his vest.

There's a fully armed tactical squad in that SUV.
As the first SOG operator drives away the seized vehicle--while now belongs to the US government--he pauses to give Brittany ShawtySlim Booker a onceover, which she doesn't perceive.

She's the one who filmed this.

Guess what the feds discovered?
The people feeding the rioters were acting as intelligence agents, couriers, and possibly weapons transporters.

I can't tell you where I read that, because it was hours before this bust.

But that's why the US Marshals SOG is there, fully armed.
The state can refuse federal help, but they can't prevent US military surveillance.

I'm sure they sent fly-sized drones into the food trucks to film and act as microphones.

Did you ever read L. Frank Baum's Ozma of Oz?

My favorite Oz book.
Totally surreal.

There's a certain type of old radical leftist who ends up looking exactly like the Nome King.

Spherical body and grasshopper legs.

Look at the first person taken out of the car (left).
At any rate, the feds are trained to deal with terrorism and insurrection.

Local cops are GOOD, but everybody has their function.

The way the system is supposed to work is that the states call in the feds for these kinds of threats.

The only answer is to never again elect a Democrat.

They state and local official are ALLOWING this to happen so that they can blame Trump.


They're trying to get rioters killed by people they can claim are Trump supporters.
There are LOTS of different ways to do federal law enforcement, known as internal security.

Check out this screen grab.

Can you spot the head of the security detail protecting the Iraqi politician (left)?
This is deliberate deception.

The armed man uses his hand to force back an overeager bystander.

THAT MAN--the heavyset man--is the head of the security detail, asI'll show you in a second.
Later, the same armed man with the mirrored sunglass turns and glances at the heavyset man.

That glance means, "I need you here, boss."
The heavyset man edges an army colonel out of the way and takes his places.

The colonel knows who he is, so he complies.

Cameras and camera crews are dangerous. Security are trained to watch them like hawks. Cameras can have bombs in them.
Look how nice and friendly he is!
Well, no, actually.

Watch his face change.

He doesn't have the physique.

He has the BRAIN. And something else I'll show you.
Watch his eyes.

He makes eye contact with someone, squints to get his attention, and beckons with his head:

"Get over here."
A smiley, wrinkly guy.

The security chief tells the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) guy "He's with me."

The man in the aviator sunglasses confirms it to the CTS guy.
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