... I have decided to make one final political post sometime in the next few days (or however long it takes before I'm comfortable with the final draft).

It will be the Ultimate Political Opinion Post. I will write down everything I believe in and why, and my final thoughts.
If you believe there is only black vs white, us vs them, Republicans vs Democrats... If you believe there is no morally gray... If you believe people that are more center politically are part of the problem...

..then you will unfriend me after I make the post.
After I make the post, I will no longer be posting any political opinion or retweeting anything political of any kind.*

*Unless it's something horrific like WW3 or mass killings in the name of an agenda. Whatever I feel is vastly important that is beyond political agenda.
Also, I will be open to having civil discussion after I make the post via DM/Discord.

Some rules will apply:

I will not be having long conversations over Twitter.
I walk away from my child while he's throwing a tantrum. I will do the same to anyone that resorts to name-calling and being dramatic. I will not waste my energy talking to a person that has no control.
If you resort to high school drama tactics by saying "bye" or something snarky before you decide to unfollow me, I will just block you. I will not respond at all. I will not give you the satisfaction of upsetting me.
I will go over all this in more detail at the start of the post. I expect the entire post to be very long; at least several pages worth.

I will pour my true feelings into this post. It will paint a very clear picture of who I am as a person and why I think the things I do.
But that's why it'll be the final post. After that, it's back to tweeting about video games, art, and things that are more important to me than drowning myself in the cesspools of the Internet/Twitter.

I'm off to write it now.
You can follow @mahoumelonball.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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