I didn’t think Trump would win in ‘16, but WSJ called me most accurate forecaster of 2014. I’m 1-1 in predictions.

I have been saying recently that I think Trump is poised to win in ‘20. I have no idea why.. just intuition that what was misunderstood in 2016 is even more so now.
Many in the media don’t understand just how much they’re hurting their apparent cause by being so outwardly hostile toward conservatives. I think it’s less about Trump and more about standing their ground against media/academia/pop culture/political correctness for these voters.
People are sick of what they see as tearing down America. It’s one thing to demand better of elected officials and society. It’s another for ideological extremists to turn to terrorism as they burn cities to the ground, holding the rest of us hostage as we try to live our lives.
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