I think both Mark Golding and Nigel Clarke were lacking in many respects. Both butchered the initial question of how their government spending (grants etc) would be financed.
A lot of this spending will not be able to be done without taking on significant debt or printing money and keep in mind revenues are falling because we are in a pandemic.
I think both didn’t do well in answering the foreign exchange devaluation question particularly well either. While Nigel made mention of foreign exchange reserves, he failed to note that a lot of this has been accumulated through debt
on which interest will need to be paid. What needs to be focused on are ways in which we can organically increase the supply of the US dollar though trade or through forms of travel taxes.
Both did make some good points though I must admit but generally Nigel came off to be the more technically sound. Overall though I think more time is needed for these kind of debates.
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