you know, I really don't care if politicians are narcissists? I really don't. if donald trump had every personality disorder known to humanity, I still wouldn't care. you know why? because mental illness and neurodivergence don't make people do harm.

I'm sorry. they don't.
you would be amazed, truly amazed, at how many mentally healthy people with happy childhoods and nuclear families make the choice to harm other people every day. it's not a switch in your brain. it's a choice. it's a choice anyone can make. it's a choice *you* can make.
did you know that? did you know that perfectly healthy people can just choose to harm others and it's got nothing to do with pathology, nothing to do with their brains being wired differently? did you know they do it every day, in the most horrifyingly mundane ways?
people need scapegoats and mental illness is an easy one. it must be something wrong with their brains, right? because if you, a healthy person, had access to nearly-unlimited power, there's no way you'd abuse it, right?
you don't need to be a narcissist to hurt another person. you just need to make the choice to hurt another person. billions of people make that choice every day and I promise most of them aren't narcissists, just people making choices. people like you.
at some point, you have to face the reality that the only thing standing between you and the trumps of the world isn't brain wiring, isn't mental illness, isn't dementia. it's choice. that's the difference. it's the choices you make. it's the way you choose to treat people.
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