What if i just make a thread of pickup lines and they range from decent to weird
Are you the sun? Because you light up my world
The number of stars in the sky represent all the reasons i love you; some may fade out of existence, but there are always new ones being formed
If you're only a dream then i never want to wake up
No amount of sugar will equate to how sweet you are
You're the bucket of paint to my blank canvas
Hey are you a pickpocket? You seemed to have stolen my heart without me noticing
If i could only choose one dessert to have for the rest of my life it would be you
Something about you draws me to you like a moth to a flame; but i wouldn't mind getting burnt if it meant spending a moment with you
If you are the sun then I am a sunflower
You are the moon to my sea
Hey you yes you i love you
You are the melody on repeat in my head, it sounds like love and sunshine
I can't imagine what it's like in the dark; ever since you walked in everything has been bright
You are the sun to my rain. Together, we make a rainbow
The color of your eyes is my favorite color
You're the most beautiful flower of the bunch
I wish i was multilingual so i could express how much i love you in every possible way
If i had a penny for every time i remembered how much i love you, I'd be a millionaire
You're the summer breeze to my wheat field
If i got hit with a pillow for every time i thought of you i might be dead ngl pillows lowkey hurt
Your voice is my favorite song
If there are plenty of fish in the sea then you must be a rare new species
You are the Juno to my Jupiter
You must be the (dwarf?) planet Pluto because you have such a big and beautiful heart
You're like a tailored suit; you fit me so well
I love you so much, i can't even begin to describe how much i love you
Sometimes i wonder if i was hit by Cupid's arrow, because all i can think about is you
There are many things people can't live without, like food, water, shelter. For me, the list includes you and your love
You are the ping to my pong
You make me want to sing
We all forget things over the course of our lives, but i will never forget how much i love you
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