2/ 30 years on, homophobia & misogyny are now dressed in the Rainbow flag & increasingly meaningless LGBT acronyms. What your MPs label “hassle” is in fact concern for the rights & safety of women, lesbians & children.
3/ Section 28 was about stigmatising a generation of LGB young people; preventing access to resources, support & community. There is no shortage of such resources for trans people. In fact, the pendulum has swung the other way: there is a dearth of support for young lesbians.
4/ No one would have predicted 16 years ago that scores of girls with complex mental health problems & anxiety & shame about being lesbian would rush to amputate their breasts & grow beards. No would have predicted that their regret & trauma would be dismissed as a “hassle.”
5/ No one would have predicted 16 years ago that scores of toddlers & pre-pubescent & pubescent children would be labelled ‘trans’ or that organisations would spring up & be allowed to put these vulnerable children in with 25 year old ‘trans’ adults in the name of progress.
6/ No one would have predicted 30 years ago that organisations with a mandate to advance LGB rights would out of self-interest & greed reconstitute themselves as trans lobbyists in order to amass millions & political influence; using LGB as political capital.
7/ No would have predicted that when LGB lobbying groups went rogue, politicians would turn a blind eye or worse, become seduced by this easiest of political populations: no plurality of views or complexity, just recite what the (unelected) LGBT orgs tell you.
8/ No one would have predicted that LGBT lobbying groups, now firmly in thrall to the trans pound/dollar would advocate for the removal of *every* single safeguard against unwell & malevolent males claiming woman’s identities & access to single-sex spaces.
9/ As the great @jk_rowling has warned, the time is fast approaching when those who have allowed an extremist trans agenda to go unchecked will have to answer for the harm they‘ve enabled.

Do what is right, not what is easy.

Stop gender self-ID.

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