YouTuber: Why are there so many vicious personal attacks in my comments? I never see this in (list of YouTubers).
Me: None of them have boobs.

The standards applied to women content creators are impossible.
Fun thought experiment: create a mental list of hot male political YouTubers. (Won't take long)

Create a list of hot women political YouTubers... It's... all of them.

(Don't say any exceptions you can think of. That would be pretty rude)
Me: *video covered in sweat with dog hair on my shirt*
Comments: hot today, huh? What's your dog's name?

Woman YouTuber: *video with messy hair*
Comments: "you look like shit."

Woman YouTuber: *video with flawless appearance*
Comments: "shallow bitch"
Short version:

Men are required to present their ideas well.

Women are required to present their ideas well, while being presentable and hot, but not too hot.
Forgot one.

Woman in my comments makes a sexual comment: 5 women "he's married!!!"

Man in married woman's comments makes a sexual comment: 5 men "her husband's a cuck!"
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