Our friendly neighborhood felon Roger Stone has a long history of inserting himself (or operatives) into movement for political advantage.

What is so disturbing about the infiltration at the pipeline protests, was that so many laws were being broken on US soil. James Reese and his new business partners with Delta Crescent Energy LLC will soon be setting up shop in the oil fields of Syria.

This thread gives a glimpse into some of the reasons that protests are infiltrated:

🕵️‍♀️To delegitimize the protest purpose
🕵️‍♀️To escalate tensions and violence for political gain
If the infiltrators can turn a peaceful protest into the area of "civil unrest", then they can kill public sympathy for the cause. Even when lawmakers know that external forces are stealing the protest, they remain silent if it's in their interest.

🕵️‍♀️ Even though it sounds like a conspiracy theory, people ARE actually paid to pose as protesters. The reason vary from the vain (wanting a good photo op) to dangerous (making a party/parties feel threatened). https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-crowds-extortion-20181021-story.html
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