This video went viral. Everyone loves it. Except me. I hate this video. It's bad, & not for what it says but for what it doesn't say. And I think -- no, scratch that, I /know/ -- its silence its dangerous.

The problem is that he only talks about some of the guns, not all of them
Noah goes off on that Boogaloo Bois for brining guns to Kenosha, saying that the ONLY reason people get strapped up & go out w/ guns slung is to shoot ppl.

So, let's grant that point. Then what about these lefty guns from the 1st night?
The two people in the videos on that feed (& there were two... gotta look carefully) with ARs slug, 1 in a plate carrier. Were they carrying guns for the sole purpose of shooting people? Nobody wants to ask, it seems.

Same head-in-the-sand act as when the guns showed up at CHOP.
For a whole bunch of reasons, lefties just don't see lefty guns. You show them pix of lefties kitted out in the same gear as Boogaloo Bois, & they do a Westworld "this doesn't look like anything to me" act. They just don't think it matters.

But it does matter. Here's how I know.
As I've said about a bazillion times recently, as a 2A advocate I am no fan of openly carrying long guns in a political context. I saw first-hand how this open carry march business took over gun culture in the past decade. I was part of the gun press as it happened.
I watched as it became normalized, became A Thing. Pro-gun people didn't speak up, much. What can you do? Plus, you don't want to give the other side ammo that they'll use in bad faith. You just sort of ignore it, figure it's minor, a fad, & no big deal.

But NOW look what's up.
So this is how it starts. It starts out as some fringe thing that's not a big deal to you & you don't care about, but one day you look around & the guys bearing long guns openly in a political context are calling the shots for you side.
They start out as your fringe, then become your vanguard, then become the core of your movement. And now it's too late. For us pro-2A types, this is just a thing we do, now. It wasn't always, but it is today, & the guys out doing it are the ones running the pro-2A show in 2020.
I guess my point is this: when a handful of true believers show up at your camp with long guns slung across a plate carrier, you'd better not look away or minimize it. Because if you do, you're gonna wake up one day living in their world.
So Trevor Noah and the rest of the folks who are on about the Boogaloo Bois better look to their own house right now, while this is still more of a minor thing (though it spreads by the night). Because real soon, their gung-ho guys with the long guns will be running things.
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