can we talk about how for the last few years Netflix has been using Georgia state tax cuts to film in Georgia to question/condemn the crazy social norms of the south?? I love this for a lot of reasons ((Queer eye, insatiable, teenage bounty hunters))
these stories are so important for southern kids and teens to have representation from a different perspective than what they are surrounded by in their conservative home towns
I would also imagine that when they film outside of Atlanta that the production is sort of culture shock or a bridge to the towns they visit and interact with. Culturally the south acts like their way of life is the only acceptable way of life
so I think it would do a lot of southerners good to interact with different people. the reason they don’t is because everyone outside of the south has 0 interest in going there
it’s also important to show people from outside of the south what it is actually like. Even though some of these shows are part caricature, i hope it will remind people that there ARE a lot of people and kids in the south who do not agree with the overall conservative culture
okay and LIKE the amount of shade they are throwing at the south—- is Georgia gonna ban them?? I read the information about the incentives, and it didn’t seem like there was a written requirement to paint the state in a good light .
if Georgia can’t ban them maybe they will amend the incentives to include that clause?? honestly this is so intriguing bc I can picture redneck gun toting state representatives mad at Netflix’s ~liberal agenda~ while knowing their tax payers are subsidizing it
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