Something that always disturbed me is how, no matter what a woman’s appearance and identity is always put into the equation when it comes to her opinions, success and status. (Thread below)
Here’s a few general examples I have. #1. A lady gets a job promotion to manager. Because she’s attractive, rumors spread that she got promoted just because she’s pretty or she must’ve did the boss “favors” They cannot accept the fact she was competent enough to reach that goal.
2. Twitch streamers. “She only has viewers because she has big boobs” they can’t accept the fact she has a personality, and production quality to have a good twitch channel.
3. Opinions. “If she’s old or ugly her opinions do not matter, and vice verse her opinions matter if she’s young and pretty.” Appearance should have nothing to do with if someone is right or wrong yet it’s been used.
4. Identity, if she so happens to be trans, transphobes will misgender her and say that her success doesn’t count because she’s “a man” Cis women can also fall victim to this if their physical appearance appears masculine to the crowd.
Now to be specific. MissClick is often discredited her success because she’s beautiful. She falls under the twitch streamer category. Another example, Isabel getting into plus 1. And despite being a minor people still made nasty rumors. She falls under the promotion category.
Nile who goes by the pronouns he/him is also a victim. “ clout because of boobs” And was even misgendered for it. So even trans men or non-binary can be victims of this if they appear to be feminine by the majority.
Alice was misgendered because people didn’t agree with her opinions. So both appearance and identity can be targeted. A product of both transphobia and sexism in this case.
No matter how hard a women works and how long it took her to get to where she got, there will always be sexist (which includes other women too) to deny their accomplishments simply because of their appearance or identity.
People can’t simply accept the fact a lady worked hard to get the goal they earn. Part of this comes from men who feel that women should always be lower than them, so they feel threatened/jealous whenever a woman achieve a high status.
Women are so sexualized that not even minors are safe from this... and if she’s “unattractive” or “trans” then to sexist and transphobes they aren’t “women enough” or “real women” therefore their achievement or success doesn’t count.
Honestly it just needs to stop. Women shouldn’t have to prove themselves worthy of success, be “beautiful” or “real women” to have a voice. If they succeeded, it’s because they worked for it, and that alone is why they deserved it. (End of thread.)
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