Here we go.. in my 18 yrs of being one of 'those parents', one of the 'anxious' parents, please let me translate.

This is not the first time we are dismissed as 'anxious' as we butt up against a discriminatory system. Let me explain, it is too much, let me sum up 1/n
We are parents that are fiercely advocating for the rights of our disabled/chronically ill kids/family members.

What does that mean? What are their rights? In this case, their rights are the right to an equitable education along w/ their abled peers. 2/n
What would this look like - this would be a school re-opening plan that minimized transmission risk by maximizing physical distancing making it safer for everyone. It would have been a plan that recognized the right of *all* kids to be *in the building* in an equitable way 3/n
This language, dismissing our concerns as 'anxious', as if we don't know what we're talking about, as if our concerns arent' real is something we are *very* used to. And frankly, it doesn't fly. We see it for what it is - gaslighting our experienc.. and why? 4/n
The why is simple, b/c the govt, *our* govt, has decided that educating *all* kids is too expensive 'in this time of pandemic', and would rather either..
a)take risks w/ those who are deemed lower risk, or,
b) ignore the needs of those who know their risk is too high 5/n
But here's the thing, Dr. Bonnie Henry, @adriandix & #bcpoli, we have been advocating for our kids', and our rights for a long time. Accessibility is more than a ramp, and our kids have a right to a *safe* and equitable education 6/n
Ignoring the needs of those with chronic illness/disability is creating a discriminatory education model 'in this time of covid.

This. Isn't. Good. Enough.
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