This Year's Ideology is Maoist-Anprim.
With Non-Theistic Christian Characteristics.
I've been Posting for like 2 weeks now and haven't even dropped the thesis about plants.
I think even Marx's concept of "technology" as machines and automation is limiting and encourages people to think too much of use value as "something made by a machine." or "something produced through automation."
Been trying to think about "technology" in terms of energy sources and energy consumption. Where the European concept of technology is based around using sources of energy for labor that don't come directly from living organisms.
"Manual" is not technology. "Horse-drawn" is not technology. Both of these are ultimately sourced from solar energy converted into calories in plants.

Steam engines and gas turbines are "technology" because they use dead energy from dead organisms.
What Marx is talking about is production that uses energy from dead sources that have been exhumed. Their chemical energy converted back into kinetic energy through non-biological processes.
But if you think of technology just as maximizing "value" for energy input, then better processes are technologies. Horticulture and are technologies. Corn is a technology. Terra Preta is infrastructure.
What if the rainforests are actually-existing communism? Not leftovers from some earlier stage of "original communism" but actual continuously-living communist societies that exist specifically because they've engineered an infrastructure that resists conquest and assimilation?
The rainforests didn't just happen, and then people moved there and were forgotten about. The rainforests were engineered. Terra Preta was built over the generations with sophisticated knowledge of chemistry and biology.
What Europeans see as "wilderness" because they're stuck with a concept of "technology" that requires dead energy from dead matter is actually a self-replicated, fully automated, fully developed infrastructure for sustaining communist production.
Why are so many medicinal plants actually "weeds" which are considered to have no agricultural use-value? Why do these things that produce complex chemical compounds that heal our bodies and enlighten our minds exist everywhere?
They're weeds. They grow on their own with no labor required from people. Fully automated production.

What if these are actually artifacts from a civilization ruined by the formation of class society? What if this is a technology that we've forgotten how to use?
People have existed for over a hundred thousand years and the one consistent thing we've all had is that we all live in a human body with the same brains and the same metabolism. And a whole lot of time to grow and ingest plants.
And yet we're supposed to believe that nobody understood the human body until some white guys in Europe figured it out 400 years ago.
What were people doing with themselves the other 99,700 years? What did they build? What did they leave behind?
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