Study after study shows that shaming and guilting like this has the opposite effect on helping people overcome their racial biases. Instead it reinforces them.

You don't fight racism by guilting and shaming people - you fight it by getting people to see eye to eye as equals.
If you're white and you're saying shit like're not helping.

No. Worse.
It's also a big red flag that the biggest voice pushing this 'white people need to be perpetually guilty' idea is a high-paid HR consultant white lady who is an author of a bestseller.

An HR consultant's role is to protect companies from liability, not solve racial tensions.
There's been numerous podcasts and articles dissecting why that book and the mentality it propagates actually *fuels* racism & racial divisions instead of eliminates it. Here's a good one. There's many more though that go even more indepth & cite studies
Also the person who made that post was doing it to well....troll.

It's a troll post. In the classic sense of the term of 'trolling for replies.'

They may sincerely believe it, but the whole point is to get themselves attention (negative and positive) by saying shit like that.
At the core of this shit is: It's fine to learn about how white people benefitted from racism, but demanding perpetual guilt is a recipe for reinforcing hate.

Treat people of different backgrounds as equals worthy of respect as any other equal. There's no magic trick to it.
What *has* been shown to be effective at reducing racial bias is getting people of different backgrounds to hang out and become friends. No special ritual involved - literally just people socializing normally and getting to like and know one another.
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