đŸ§” Let's get something clear:

There is no "America for ALL" like *y'all* are so fond of saying.

The people who built "America," African slaves, were legally property. That means what they built, was not ever built for them.
There is a big difference between what happened in America vs. (most of) the rest of the British and European colonies (eg. my own country: Barbados).

The "slaves" never outnumbered the "slave owners", and by these, I'm referring to collectives, not individuals.
Before you get smart and say "But only x% owned slaves!" - because that's hogwash. Slaves were as much property of the state as they were property of the people. By extension, that makes all who were complicit, guilty.
Not following the logic?

I'm Black, but not American. However, if I go to America, I will be treated (as I was when I did visit) as a *Black* "American", by virtue of being Black: Whatever is accounted to them is accounted to me - regardless of any other facts.
This brings me back to my point. America for "ALL" (All: ancient white proverb), does not, and will never, exist.

America was founded on the principle that "all men* are created equal".

By men, this does not mean "male human beings." It means, white people.
Can I prove this? Yes. Follow me.
When this declaration was made, "We hold these truths to be self-evident", upon what basis was this truth made self evident?

1. The genocide and forced removal of the supposed "savages" who inhabited the land. No respect of their humanity or their distinct nations, cultures,
borders, histories, or collective desires, was to be found. They were only acknowledged as valid "allies" (not equals) when it served American interests.

This was in keeping the tradition handed down from Britain, against whom the American colonists had rebelled, for little
more than the issue of greed (taxation and the threat of the ultimate dissolution of slavery).

This brings me to the next point:
2. The enslavement, subjugation, and subhuman classification of African peoples (regardless of ethnicity, culture, nationality, language, education, religion, or prior social status).

Bear in mind, America was *founded* upon this truth, which, like the former truth, was
blatantly self evident. Furthermore, this was not a new thing. It had already been established by Britain, and was held true throughout the colonies.

What does this say? It says that while Americans may have taken great issue with Britain and British policies concerning taxes
and supposed "tyranny", the issue of Africans' enslavement was *not* disputed and therefore no cause for rebellion*.

*Except it was - in that there was a growing fear of its impending end.
3. Capitalism.

America was founded upon the self evident truth that the institution of possessing *human* capital is not only acceptable, but must exist, and be preserved.
Before you foolishly say "Yeah, well we fought a civil war over that, and guess who won!", let me remind you:

A. For the Confederacy, the civil war was over the right to continue the institution of slavery. The fear wasn't merely over the idea that slavery would be ended,
but that this idea could even be a *possibility*.

Let that sink in.
B. For Lincoln and the North, the war was NOT about ending slavery, but rather, about keeping the union intact, as well as weakening the South, which was growing in strength due to the ease with which they could employ slavery.
Don't fool yourself: the "Union" wasn't ending slavery because of some noble, moral cause. It's simply down to logistics.

One half of the couple decided to take the dog to spite the other half.

Soon as they made up, look what happened:
Promises made to the "freed" Africans were rescinded. Jim Crow laws were swiftly implemented. Sundown towns became a thing. Convict leasing was born. Share cropping entered the chat. Slave catchers became police. And so on and so on.
Just as was the norm during slavery, any feral "blacks" who got out of hand were publicly executed. We call it lynching.

They called it satisfaction.
If you're not getting the picture yet, I'm sorry, because you're going to need to strap in. I'm not done.
Remember how I said that all "men" created equal referred to "White human beings"?

Let's make that even clearer.
You've heard about the women's suffrage movement. Great.

But do you know why it came about?

Because Black men were promised the right to vote as an incentive to get them to fight in the white man's war.

Not great.
There's this pervading belief that the suffragettes were fighting a noble cause for "women's rights", and that they had to fight the wicked, evil, men of their day for a seat at the table.

But... That's just a fantasy. Sorry.

It was an in-house battle spilling into the public.
The assumption that (white) women had no rights, couldn't own property, and were little more *than* property, is a rather recent invention, meant to serve the purposes of white supremacy by painting a bleak, yet sympathetic, image of the colonial past.
It isn't based on reality.

Women could and did own property. Women had full rights of citizenship, with legal caveats for marriage or due to being minors, etc. Not much different from the modern era, if we're honest.

The main difference is that the scales of balance were tipped
in men's favour, for the most part, but this does not mean that (white) women were helpless and ineffectual in the grand scheme of things.

Much to the contrary, white women held a near equal hand of power within the society (as they do today).

The underlying differences in
terms of how the law was applied (contextually) did not have bearing on their equality with men.

It's important to note that in many languages, the plural term "men" (and its equivalents) is used to refer to "human beings", regardless of gender.
This has long been the case with legal documents as well; case in point "...that all men are created equal".

So... We've established on this basis that American was founded for *white* *people*, only.

But I'm not done.
Remember, the categories of White and Black are two extremes of the same invention: race.
In the early stages of American history, it was easy to determine who qualifies as human (and thus, a man created equal), and who doesn't.

White people (British or European; pale skinned, with pale skinned ancestors): humans.

Everyone else (Africans and 'Indians'): not human.
But as America began to expand in influence and popularity, this simple distinction hit a snag.

Not all Europeans are super pale. Not all non-Europeans are dark brown or tan.

Not so easy to determine who's who.
Enter.... The Thind case.

Long story short, brother Thind thought he was white, because "science".

(I'm sorry, what? Oh yeah... Darwinian Evolution, eugenics... đŸ€”... Anyways)

The courts said "Nah son."

He died mad.

But it didn't stop there. At first, eugenicists pushed the idea that the "white race" should remain pure: no Italians (too dark), no Irish (too poor), no Eastern Europeans (no idea why... Personally, I happen to quite like eastern Eur- 🙃 sorry I got distracted).
But then, they realized two key issues:

1. These "lesser whites" wouldn't go quietly into the night. They fought for the right to be thrown into the melting pot (look that up btw, it doesn't mean what you think it means).
(only white people were supposed to be in the melting pot)
2. Some began to show solidarity with "the blacks".


Could you imagine if Arnold and Shaquita, or Terrence and Emily, got together and did the jiggy jiggy... đŸ€”

Terrifying! (🙄)
So... They once again opened the doors to whiteness - to quickly shuffle all the "lesser whites" in. Because "God" forbid, if they would dare to get their freak on with DeShawn.

(I'm sorry, I needed the mental break).
But lest you forget, we have at no point in this thread reached a point at which the transition to "America for ALL" (ancient white proverb) ever happens - because it didn't.
Every time the concept of "equality" (y'all don't even know what that word means) has been brought up, the truth spirit of America has responded with violence.

Why? Because to America, equality is a deadly virus.
Equality says to America, that it's declared, self-evident truths - are lies.
Equality says to America, that it's very existence as a unified, sovereign nation, is under threat.
To America, equality is literally biological warfare.
America literally sees granting Black people equality as allowing an invasive species to run wild and unchecked - not caring what the consequences may be.
The same can be said for brown and Asian peoples (sorry, but some y'all are physically as close to white as is humanly possible - so calling you brown feels wrong).

But that's a whole other novel I don't have time to write.
Just know, that's why America is putting children in cages, had Canada arrest a Chinese CEO, and whoops! Did I do that?

Tough luck, I did.
Let me close this thread by saying: if you think your fighting for equality, and you think you're fighting for a "better" America, you better know what it is you're really doing.
Like I said and always say: *at least* when they were done with us, they abandoned us. In America, not so.


I'm done.
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