Ok. Let's see if I can piss some more people off.

Kaepernick and all of these Athletes have every right to kneel during the National Anthem.

It really is their First Amendment Right, and if you want to torch the American Flag as some sort of protest that's your right too.
But let's be clear about what it is you're doing.

They claim they're doing it to get people's attention. They claim there's social justice and equality concerns, and these need immediate attention and this is the only way.

These Mother Fuckers Here.
These professional athletes don't give a fuck about the causes they claim to be bringing attention to.

You know how I know? Because if they really cared. If they really fucking cared they would be willing to sacrifice their lives for it. To die for it.

Just like the men and
women who died representing that flag. Fighting for the people and their great nation that Anthem is for.
When you disrespect their sacrifice you're not only pissing on their graves. You're also disrespecting their families.

These are the same working class and poor people
you claim to represent and yet their sacrifice and their loss doesn't deserve your respect?

Why didn't you piece of shit Commie fucks take that knee on the sideline during the game if it was so important to you?

Because you don't want to sacrifice a game check or hand out a
check to pay a fine. That's too much to give for your cause.

Don't fucking @ me about Collin Kaepernick losing his job. That traitorous piece of shit did it in such a way that he made more than he would have if he'd kept playing.

These mother fuckers will stand for the CHINA
Anthem because they'll lose money from CHINA if they don't.

They kneel and disrespect US because they'll lose money from CHINA if they don't.

Why would you ever want to disrespect the sacrifices that the families of this great nation have had to make?

You can do it.
It's your right to exercise as you see fit.

But remember this. We have rights to. We have the right to switch team loyalty. We have the right to quit watching you Commie fucks.

We're already boycotting Disney and they're feeling the heat. You pansy ass bitches bigger than

We also have the same rights that you do. And with those rights we've been uniting the people again. While you bitches are making a king's ransom playing a child's game. We've been waging a Digital War for the Hearts and Minds of our Great Nation.
It's called the Great Awakening and we're winning. Every day our ranks grow stronger and you lose more and more ground.

We're woke as fuck to your bullshit social programming and the media warfare you launch at us.

LeBeotch James sold out to China and now he's their bitch.
We know it. You know it. Pretty soon the whole World is going to know it.

Your stadiums and arenas won't be empty because of COVID. They'll be empty because you spit on everyone of our families' hard work and sacrifice to make our country great forever.
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