( i know 99% of the TL doesn't care about maths/science but sorry not sorry)
DAY 1 - Best physics equation of all time : Maxwell's equations. Technically it's a system of 4 equations but it counts.
Maxwell theorized Ampère, Faraday and Gauss' work, regrouped it to discovered that light is nothing but an electromagnetic wave. 🌸
DAY 2 - Chemical compound I'd take to a deserted island :
N,N-diéthyllysergamide aka LSD. There is no chance for me to survive on a an island alone, might as well die while tripping.
+ I think the lewis representation of this molecule is beautiful, I used to draw it everywhere.
DAY 3 - A physicist I'd go on a date with: Richard Feynman.
+ He's known for being an excellent populazier, I would learn SO much.
+ Idk how to explain this, but I only sense good vibes emanating from the guy.
+ Look at him..
DAY 4 - Favorite programming language that uses 0 as an index: C++.
Because the only other language I know is C. So...
DAY 5 - The best math meme I've ever seen.
I cannot possibly choose only one so here is a top 4. Last one is not really a meme, just a very sad reminder but I thin it's important to mention it.
DAY 6 - The stinkiest chemical compound I know: HSO4.
Tbh I don't remmember a lot of chemicals but this know stinks af.
DAY 7 - Favorite relativistic equation: Time dilution.
This equation basically means that time evolves differently for every moving object but the difference is too little and can only be noticed when the velocity (speed) of the said object is around the speed of light C.
(I'mma skip DAY 9 cause I scarcely use python)
DAY 9 - Favorite d orbital

I honestly had no idea that d orbital had different spacial representations, I've always imagined them as in the 1st one (dxy) but the d_z2 looks dooope
DAY 10 - Favorite text editor: LaTeX with Overleaf.
I don't even need to explain this one.
DAY 11 - Coolest theorem about prime numbers: The square root of any prime number is irrational.

I know there are many other theorems and conjectures about prime number but I find this so elegant in its simplicity.
DAY 12 - The weirdest molecule I know: Benzene.
I think all STEM students suffered at some point of their education because of this fella.
DAY 13 - Favorite MATLAB function: size(), a.k.a the one and only way for me to debug my codes.
DAY 14 - The most memorable moment in science: when a naked weird dude was running through the streets of Syracuse yelling "Eureka" because he had just thought of one of fluid mechanics fundamentals: Archimede's principle.
DAY 15 - Favorite chemist that discovered a deadly compound: Fritz Haber.
He is not my favorite but the most interesting/controversial chemist I know. His work on ammoniac synthesis was funded, in the wolrd war I, to look a gaz that kills efficiently and quickly. (1/2)
Later on, his work was used provide cheap ways to get soil fertilizers, which prevented humanity from the malthusian catastrophe it was leading to. So we have here, a chemist nobel prize, who is known for being the father of chemical warfare AND the savior of humanity. (2/2)
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