I see a lot of you don't even know what happened to M*M due to that one reality show, WGM and how much sht moomoos had to eat because of E's fans. That "both sides were wrong" attitude doesn't really give you the full picture. Hopefully this thread will help you understand better
Prepare yourself for a ride that will leave you with a bitter taste which won't even go away if you try to wash with bleach. Anyway this thread will give you more clarity on this whole matter. Educate yourself. There's always time to learn https://twitter.com/kapitanmoo/status/1242833863572770816?s=20
Even after the evidence was out and they were caught red handed, E* fans still tweeted dumb comments since that's the only thing they are good at https://twitter.com/kapitanmoo/status/1248256706200473603?s=20
Remember S*l*r changed her ph number and didn't tell "that guy", it made his fans pissed😂😂. But a kmoo owned them while staying in zen😎 https://twitter.com/kapitanmoo/status/1248256706200473603?s=20
This was fairly recent and look at how it's their life long agenda to ruin M*M image and reputation https://twitter.com/kapitanmoo/status/1272572698665738241?s=20
Remember KMoos trying to clear Wheein's searches...yeah they made rumours about her too. https://twitter.com/kapitanmoo/status/1272576818864771072?s=20
If you have gone through all the threads then you know why we don't talk about that guy who must not be named. And forcing MMM to talk about it, is really disrespectful and disgusting. E* fans' sole purpose is to ruin MMM's image. So please don't force WGM agenda anymore+
Don't keep on asking about him in the comments section. It's disheartening to see Y*ng talk about something that caused so much pain to her and M*M. She even requested E* fans to stop (also asked us to refrain from doing anything) on her own live stream.
I just hope people who like to say "but they look cute together uwu" will stop and think for once. Peace!
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