How women are beautifully wired to image God to the rest of the world.

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1- Helpers

God created women as men's helpers

'Ezer', helper in Hebrew, means “to rescue, to save” & "to be strong"

Helper = strong rescuer

Being the helper of men is not inferior or patronizing—in the Bible, God refers to *Himself* as ezer, strong rescuer, multiple times

Women are more “intuitive” & “emotional” because they need increased spiritual receptivity to fulfill their role as strong rescuers, i.e. they need to be able to tune in with the internal states of others.

This is why women “just know”. They *need* to know in order to help.
A healthy helper can recharge her man's batteries by simply looking into his eyes & saying “I believe in you”

Helpers are empathic & sensitive to pain. Thus contrary to men, women don’t thrive on competition. This is why women are inherently wired to be homemakers, not CEOs.
Modern women often feel depleted because they try to “empower” themselves & others in masculine ways.

Ladies, you ARE wired to empower & help, but you’ll down-power if you try to do it like a man.

2- Creators & Home

Women are innate creators of life. “Eve” means “life” or “living”

Even though Eve had no babies at the time, Adam named her “Eve” because she was *the mother of all living* (Genesis 3:20)

As creators of life, women naturally transmit a “home” feeling.

Hence why women are like the fireplace that turns a house into a home.

But being fire also means you can burn down the house when your emotions overrun you. This is why the Bible says it’s better to live in a desert land than with a nagging wife (Proverbs 21:19).

An emotionally solid woman (in touch with God) will fulfill the role of helper & home & feel like fresh water to a man.

Being “home” for others is being a *refuge* from the craziness in the world, NOT another piece of it.

Home’s not a town or a house. Home is YOU, ladies.

3- Beauty

Before creating Eve, God gave Adam the task of naming all animals. Among them Adam found no counterpart with whom to mirror God's image. God then made Adam sleep, took a rib & created Eve.

When Adam saw Eve he was like “YES! THIS one’s for ME!” (Genesis 2:23)

God taking Eve to Adam is like a proud father walking his daughter down the aisle, & Adam’s reaction is like that of a groom seeing his beautiful soon-to-be wife.

Men's natural reaction to beauty in women is beautiful in & of itself. It shows how women are wired to elicit awe
Beauty is far from shallow—it’s a God-like attribute.

God in fact wants us to be delighted in His beauty. He made nature & the whole *cosmos* around us astoundingly beautiful precisely to grab our hearts, minds & souls.

Beauty leads us to God.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment” (1 Peter 3:3)

The Greek for adornment is 'cosmos'. Ladies, you have a cosmos of your own.

This is not about being “Instagrammable” or the alpha female at the club. It’s about energy, & at the core of your cosmos lies God.
As a naturally beautiful creature, you’ll always be flaunting something, the question is *what*? The more you “flaunt” your inner God-given love, the more lovely you become.

The world needs beautiful women who radiate love, help & feel like home, to bring us closer to God.
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